Normandy and its sea fisheries
The diversity of spots and fish in Normandy, France, makes fishing delightful. Guillaume masters all sea fishing methods and teaches a range of techniques useful for targeting species present throughout the season. Normandy’s maritime facade allows for a varied program. The fishing trip is scheduled according to specific tide moments. From sunrise to sunset, you might encounter about fifteen different species in a single day—fish with varied colors and shapes.
Embark on a unique fishing adventure in Normandy, France.
The variety of fishing in Normandy
Fishing techniques
Guillaume offers active fishing, solely on drift. Rod in hand, you appreciate the direct contact of bites. Here are some taught techniques:
- Cast and retrieve with hardbaits, on topwater or shallow water
- Fishing with soft lures
- Straight lining (shad)
- On the drop (slug, eel)
- Bouncing bottom (shad, slug, eel)
- Jigging (eel, shad)
- Sliding tenya fishing (kabura), madaï, sliding rigs, bottom fishing
- Dandine, jigging, slow-jigging

Field experience
shapes your day
Knowledge of the playing field
Species identification
Technical versatility
Planned and mastered fishing trip
Fish species of Normandy
Throughout the day, numerous fish species from Normandy can be caught, including bass, pollock, turbot, ray, cod, bream, John Dory, mackerel, gurnard, greater weever and many more…

Taste Fishing in Normandy
All fishing is beautiful!
Follow your guide’s program
Discover fish and techniques
according to seasons, currents, and tides